Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hiking Talks #12: The highest peak in Biliran Island ~ Tres Marias


MAJOR CLIMB| The name Tres Marias is derived from the fact that it comprises three mountain peaks, Peak 1 (Mt. Sugo), Peak 2 (Mt. Naliwatan) and Peak 3 (main Tres Marias), and it is the highest point of Biliran, Island. In its popularity, Tres Marias is one of the most exciting hiking destinations in Leyte-Samar Province. Perhaps it is the second highest mountain in Region 8, next to the Alto Peak in Ormoc,Leyte.

The mountain is majestically beautiful and pristine that offers you a mystery of biodiversity. One can experience stream crossing, observing the mossy forest, drinking fresh cool natural water, and swimming or dipping into the waterfalls. All of these features make Tres Marias alive.

The usual trek to Tres Marias is an overnight climb considering the size, elevation and the nature of the environment you will be trailing on. From Manila, Tacloban City is the closest staging point but for those coming from Mindanao and Central/ Western Visayas, Ormoc, City is the closest staging point.

The trek starts at the wide-foot cemented path. Such direction heads to Ulan-Ulan and Recolitos Falls (Observe for sign boards). From the trail head to Ulan- Ulan Falls, it takes 1.5 hours of hiking.
Ulan-Ulan Falls
Ulan-Ulan falls is the highest and most majestic among the three falls you will discover. Offering you a whisper of sprinkled shower of natural water and the gentle touch of the wind, thus the name Ulan-Ulan which is in tagalog,“Uma-ambon-ambon".

From Ulan-Ulan falls the trail continues ascending until you reach the Recolitos Falls (named after Father Recolitos in Cebu). From there, you may continue trekking eastward thereby passing through the irrigation canals (used by farmers in irrigating rice fields of nearby community), until you cross a stream and trail among the rocks going to the Nomads Falls (named after a Cebu-based mountaineering group said to be the first to explore the mountain), Hence, before the Nomads, a local from the province and a foreigner have already explored and reached the summit.
Nomads Falls
From Nomads Falls, the trail continues to be steep and upstream. The challenge is to leap from one rock after another to cross the stream (careful with the rocks!it’s mossy). However, after four hours of trekking, you will enter the forest where the trail is moderately steep, friendly and well established. Amazingly you will discover you are already trekking into a flat land, an indication that the Aeta Campsite is approaching near. It takes around 5 hours trekking time from Ulan-Ulan to campsite “Aeta”.
Camp Aeta
Camp Aeta is known to be the meeting place of Aetas situated in the island, long time ago. The camp is strategic in location as it is near the stream that offers abundant water supply, and the land area can accommodate a dozen of tents or more.

 Explore the summit the next day. One can make early summit assault to experience the blessing of the sunrise (45 min-1hour trekking time). From the Aeta Camp, the transition of the trail begins from woodland to mossy forest. At 1,200+MASL before the main peak, the environment-ecosystem changes. One can observe the trees covered by moss, as though you are in the deep water forest. Truly God is great; He brings wonders to His creation.
At the summit
One can climb to a tree to overview the plains, distant peaks and the nearby little islands of Biliran. Climbing a tree will gain extra elevation and perhaps you may be the one climbing beyond Tres Marias elevation. 

Mt. Tres Marias altitude level is 1316 MASL nothing more than it is the highest point in Biliran Island. 

Trek Tres Marias and seek your own experience.

Almeria, Biliran
Jump off| Bgry. Sampao, Almeria
Days required- Hours to summit| 2/ 5-6 hours
Specs| Major Climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail Class 3-4
Features| Stream Crossing, Water Falls, mossy forest, Snakes, Natural cool water

NOTE: When one likes to plunge into any of the three aforementioned waterfalls, it is better to do it a day before you head back home.

Coming from Manila- Tacloban: take a v-hire headed directly to Naval, Biliran. From there, pick up a Habal-habal going up to Brgy.Sampao, Almeria (50-60php/head is a reasonable fare as of 2012)
Coming from Ormoc, City: take Mini-bus or v-hire headed directly to Naval, Biliran, and from there pick up a Habal-habal going up to Brgy.Sampao, Almeria (50-60php/head a reasonable fare as of 2012


TRIVIA| The blogger got injured in this climb when dipping into the waterfalls after almost 3 hours of trekking with no rest. It happened in the Nomads Falls, but the feeling of having muscle cramps plus the spasms took effect upon arrival at the campsite- the bloggers right foot was totally injured but still, he continued trekking up to the summit. And the pain doesn't stop there! More pain and injury was gained upon trekking down the mountain. He even thought then that Tres Marias could be this last quest in his passion for mountaineering. But then it only took him almost a month to recover. Surprisingly, he fully recovered and pursued to trek Mt. Maculot. He learned from that experience the hard way though.

Keep safe and be wise because no matter how fit our body may seem, our body is still“FRAGILE”.

The water source/ campsite
 I don’t post a detailed itinerary because I believe such should be experienced by nobody else but you yourself. General time frame in every stops are shown in the transportation and hiking part of the article.


Royce Nikko Cesante said...

Sir can you recommend a guide for us ? We are from Cebu. Please contact me at

Unknown said...

Thank you for reading this blog post, you may contact Sir Ian (09095756540).Enjoy to your future hikes.

Unknown said...

Hi Sir! Mga pila nagasto nimo tanan? Then pila ang rate sa guide. Planning to trek on July this year.

Unknown said...

Hi. Have you been in tres marias? Can i have your contact number for some info. Or sa mga guide nila adto. Salamat.