Friday, April 18, 2014

Hiking Health Benefits ~ Lifestyle

HEALTHY LIFE| Everyone does hiking for different reasons. Some wants to breathe fresh air, and listen to the sound of nature, others also want to enjoy the scenery, some yearn for photography opportunities, bonding with friends and some just want to get away from city life. One of the best things about hiking is that the positive impact the activity has on your health. 

The front line reason why I enjoy hiking is the mental and emotional clarity I obtain while immersing myself in nature, a peaceful and bountiful gift of nature God had made. Sometimes we need to get away from the noise of life and find some quiet time to think. Those also proven that hiking and other outdoor activities reduce tension, stress, and depression. By taking to breathe in the fresh air, listen to the tranquil melody of nature, and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.

For the reason of a healthy lifestyle we’ll take some time to explore some of the health benefits that hiking brings to us.


Weight control, burns approximately 370 calories an hour
Weight loss is the most beneficial of hiking. Negotiating the trail up and down the hill, you burn a lot of calories. And a combination with a balanced and healthy diet, you will benefit with healthy weight loss and a fit body.

Increased bone density or a slower loss of density/ Body Toning
The lower body tones itself fantastically tones when you hike on a regular basis. The trails where there is some extra elevation fit in it and are the best to serve the purpose as they act as muscle toning workouts. 

Reduced depression, stress and better quality sleep
Everyone experiences stress in one way or the other. Hiking plays a role that it acts as a good stress buster. Going for a favorable hike all by yourself gives you time to think unconditionally, and also helps you to untackle your stress. The nature around you refreshes’ you up and efficiently promote better quality sleep.

Improved muscular fitness 
For the muscles to tone further and for you to increase your strength, you could carry some weight on your back (backpack). For beginners, it is recommended that one may start with flat land first and then negotiate by small hills and later on extra higher elevation.

Lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
Improved cardio and respiratory fitness; the heart, blood vessels and lungs.
The regular pumping of blood and the increase in the blood circulation in the body, one of the health benefits of hiking, a key to prevent heart diseases. The fat is burned better thus preventing blood clots and the level of the good cholesterol increases in the body. This makes in keeping the body healthy.

Lower risk of high blood pressure
The blood vessels and the arteries dilate and the insulin production reduces, thereby reducing the blood pressure. Thus, reduction in the blood pressure in people who suffer from hypertension is one of the important health benefits of hiking.

Slow- Down Aging Process
It has been proved that people who exercise regularly lowers aging process. It has been found out that the immune system of such people ages slowly and the other signs of aging are also delayed. In fact, inactivity increases the process of aging. Hence, some amount of regular exercise is very important in each one's life.

Photo Credit: Steph Haim

Hiking exercises almost every part of your body the legs, knees, ankles, arms, hips/buttocks, abdominal areas, shoulders, head and neck.

Hiking exercises both your body and your mind, which nourishes your imagination. Thus, it creates awareness in your eyes and ears and the rest of your senses.

Hiking is a great way to start exercising. Start with easy hikes and work up to steeper hikes that work your legs more.

Renew Life Spiritually
Immersing yourself to nature is a better way to get in touch more to the creator, since we are made in the image of God. And being in His image, we get great pleasure too by exploring and studying what He made. Some appreciate more on the creation itself, but thinking that the most and worthy is to praise the Creator who made the wonders what we see today. However, the wonders of creation in every part of world reminds us that truly God exist until at the present times.

“For by Him all things were created that are in Heavens and that are on earth, all things were created through Him and for Him.” Colosians 1:16 NKJV

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